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Prophet 5/10 Contemporary Presets | Conforce

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Prophet 5/10 Contemporary Presets | Conforce

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The preset trailer contains a selection of the patches from the sound set. Only slight processing was applied with the free reverb plugin by Valhalla (supermassive) for a bit of extra depth. 
Download a full patch list here:

About my Prophet 5 patch library

What can I say about the Prophet 5/10... There is little to add really, the REV4 re-issue was a brilliant move and I'm a proud owner of the module version since a couple of months. Of course it's a vintage synth but that doesn't mean it has to sound vintage at all. I was so disappointed in the preset packs that are out there, they simply don't expose the experimental and contemporary versatile character of the Prophet 5. With so many dull brass vintage sounds out there already I thought it was wise to focus more on contemporary electronic (dance or experimental) music. My background is electronic music in the widest sense of the word, but pinning this set down to specific genre doesn't do the presets justice. In the end it's all, how do you apply the sounds in the suitable context.

Whats in it?

80 custom programmed fresh and diverse patches for your Prophet 5/10.

Loads of chord memory key patches for instant thickness and mojo, fat leads with sizzle and movement, experimental poly-mod sounds, plucked keys, snappy percussion sounds,  glitchy effects, electronic percussion and more diverse sounds that do justice to the power of this wonderful synthesizer. From Boards of Canada esque leads to experimental electro sounds, thick snappy techno chords, haunting movie drones and plucked percussion. Electro bass, dubby chords or dystopian pads. It's there. This set is programmed with love and attention and has a clear focus on the contemporary character of the Prophet 5.

Creative advice on processing the Prophet 5

The Sequential Prophet 5 presets come to life with a little bit of "quality" reverb processing, it can be hardware or software. Slight use of delay and chorus also give it more depth. The trick is not to overdo it to keep the original character alive. 

Important notes about the Prophet 5 sound set

• Make sure that you have the latest firmware version

• These are native patches and they only work with the Prophet 5/10 REV.4

• This is not an official product by the Sequential brand, it's a custom made sound pack.

• These patches are stored in two SYSEX files and form two groups of 40 patches with  5 banks containing 8 patches each (yes the counting is outdated on the P5), refer to their manual for transfer instructions too.

• This is a preset expansion, not a sample pack, sampling and reselling these patches is forbidden. 

• I am in no way affiliated with any company referred to on this site. All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. All company names used in this website are for identification purposes only. The original images belong to Sequential and are use as an identification purpose here.

• Please do not share this sound bank on forums. An insane amount of time went into programming and organising this library and programming the demo tracks. The amount of money asked for this product is very little compared to the working hours so please be so kind to buy my sound banks and support any future ones. It motivates me highly!

•This is a digital product and there will not be any refunding 

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80 contemporary diverse fresh patches for the Prophet 5/10, perfect for modern electronic music, sound design and a wide variety of genres

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